
PTA News

Follow us on Facebook!: The DN PTA has a Facebook page! If you are on Facebook, please LIKE our page at: so you can easily stay on top of everything that is happening at school. Please note that the Facebook page is public, so we we are not allowing anyone to post anything other than comments.

This decision was made in order to protect the safety and privacy of all of our students and families. The DN PTA Facebook page was created by, and for, DN parents. The sole purpose is to inform our community of events, news and activities as they relate to our school. Please use your best judgement to respect the rights, thoughts, ideas and privacy of others when you contribute your comments on this page. We hope you find it both informative and convenient. Thank You!

→ Other Ways to Earn for Our School: You can help us earn money for our school through Box Tops for Education-- download the app and scan your receipts. We will be collecting Box Tops twice a year, once in the fall and then again in the spring. You can also scan your receipts into the Box Tops App for digital points.

NOTE: This organization operates independently from the Palisades School District. The Palisades School District does not monitor these pages and is not responsible for the content therein. Questions regarding the content of this page should be directed to the President of this organization.

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