School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support

paw paw paw paw paw paw

A SWPBIS program teaches behavioral expectations, and rewards students for following them. This is a program delivered to all students, and establishes a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. (

Some new and exciting changes are happening this year with our school wide program. Students have the opportunity to earn bulldog bones when "caught" meeting behavioral expectations that align with our school rules.

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Safe

Students will be taught what these expectations look like in different areas of the building including classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, bathrooms, buses, playground, and at assemblies and special events.

Bulldog Bones are given out on a variable basis, not every time a positive behavior is observed. This year, ten bulldog bones will be given out each day. Students will not know which staff members have bones, or when they will be given out. When students earn a bulldog bone, they will head down to the office to sign the bulldog Book of Fame. Students will then pick a number at random, and place their bone in the appropriate spot on our 100 chart bulletin board. Once a row has been completed either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, a mystery prize will be awarded to the students in that row!

Positive Paws will now be used as a communication tool, so that you will know when your child has earned a bone. Keep an eye out for those positive paws to come home!