Frequently Asked Questions

Book Checkouts

How many books can my child check out at one time?
Cyber and face to face students can borrow 2 books at a time. Students in grades 3-5 may borrow 3 books at a time. Please return books as soon as you are finished, even if it is not a library day, so books can begin the quarantine period and return to circulation.

How long can a book be checked out?
Books are checked out for a two-week period. They can be renewed up to two times. Reference books can be checked out overnight with no renewals.

Does the school library charge overdue fines?
No fines are charged for overdue books. If the student has an overdue book this book should be returned before taking out new books.

What is the student's responsibility if a book is lost or damaged?
Students are responsible for all materials checked out in their name. Students with books that are lost or damaged will be asked to pay to replace the book. If a student pays a fine for a lost book and then finds the book the library will issue a refund.

Library Visits

How often will the students come to the library?

Every class will come to the library once every six days for book exchange. Library media instruction will happen in the library on library days.

Electronic Sources

What sources other than books are available in the library?

Through our library students have access to World Book Online anywhere in school or at home. For login information please contact Mrs. Crews

Reading Olympics

What is Reading Olympics?

Reading Olympics is an event sponsored by the Bucks County Librarians' Association to promote reading. Teams of students read from a list of 25 books. One evening in the spring, teams from across the county meet to answer questions about the Reading Olympic books. For every correct answer the team earns points. At the conclusion of the competition, ribbons are awarded to every child--the color is determined by the team's point total.

Who is eligible for Reading Olympics?
In our elementary schools 4th and 5th graders may participate.

What are the Reading Olympic books for this year?
The entire list of titles and the authors can be found on the Reading Olympics page.